Greetings From The Mirage [2023]

In 2023, Group X and artist Matty Geez created Greetings From The Mirage, a domed sculptural art installation that transports visitors to a surrealist soft desert. Open to the public now through June 18th, 2023!

Located in the grassy field found at 11th Street and Kitty Hawk Avenue at the Navy Yard, Greetings From The Mirage features an artist’s vision of a desert landscape made with over a dozen larger-than-life-sized cacti created from colorful and soft textiles, which all sit inside a 20’ x 36’ dome.

Working in the realm of sculpture, Matty Geez’s pieces are three dimensional but maintain a kinship to two-dimensional works. His sculptures verge on the edge of fantastic, flamboyant and oversaturated, while holding onto familiar botanical shapes. Juxtaposition of hard and soft along with the use of color explores gender identities and breaking the binary that exists in our current world.

With the support of Group X, Matty has created an entirely new body of work that has crash landed onto the Navy Yard for Spring 2023. These are some of his largest sculptures to date, and are meant to envelope and engage viewers in an entirely surreal environment.

The Navy Yard welcomes visitors from sun up to sun down, Monday through Sunday. This artwork is free for all to view and experience, and it requires no ticket or reservation.

Project website:


Alpha Sacred Beings (The Origin of Creation) [2022]